Admins can effectively monitor and address diagnostics and malfunction events using the Diagnostics and Malfunctions report in the Samsara dashboard. This report displays a comprehensive overview of both active and resolved events, including event details and troubleshooting steps for each incident.
To ensure drivers remain compliant with regulatory requirements, administrators can reach out to drivers directly within the report to provide guidance on resolution steps. To view how drivers access diagnostic and malfunction information in the Samsara Driver App, see Diagnostic and Malfunction Events in the Samsara Driver App.
The Diagnostics and Malfunctions report (Compliance () > Diagnostics and Malfunctions) displays all diagnostic and malfunction events triggered on the current day by default. You can Use the Date Selector to Filter Information on the Dashboard and further narrow the scope of your results by using Tags or filtering by Event.
The report will display the following information:
Diagnostics and Malfunctions report fields: The following table describes the fields available in the report.
Date triggered
Day and time the event was triggered
Full name of the event
The vehicle the event was triggered in
Drivers who assigned themselves to a vehicle with the event
Days until deadline
For US events, the deadline is 8 days after the diagnostic or malfunction was triggered
For Canada events, the deadline is 14 days after the diagnostic or malfunction was triggered
Either Active or Resolved
Diagnostics and malfunctions event summary: The following table describes the information available when you select a specific diagnostic or malfunction event within the report.
Explains why the diagnostic or malfunction event was triggered and how the event can be resolved
Carrier notes
Admins can document all information related to the resolution process or any additional information
Canadian carriers can fulfill requirements and document their resolution steps
Troubleshooting steps
Step-by-step guidance on how to resolve the event
Event details
Information about the event, such as the date and location it was triggered at
Administrators can use the following workflow to resolve diagnostic or malfunction events:
From the Samsara dashboard, open the Diagnostics and Malfunctions report (Compliance (
) > Diagnostics and Malfunctions).
Select a specific diagnostic or malfunction event within the report to view Troubleshooting steps.
Admins can perform the following actions to initiate troubleshooting:
Message driver: Directly within the report, admins can inform drivers about diagnostic and malfunction events, while also providing troubleshooting steps to assist in resolving these issues.
Carrier notes: Admins can record all relevant information pertaining to the resolution process, as well as any additional details. Canadian carriers are mandated to document their resolution steps.
Admins can also Schedule a Report to create a workflow for themselves or team members.
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