To assist drivers who are having issues signing out, you can trigger a sign-out action for a particular driver from the Samsara dashboard.
The ability to remotely sign out drivers can be useful in the following situations:
A driver is still assigned to a vehicle even though their shift has ended, putting them at risk for HOS violations if that vehicle is moved
A driver requires an update to the Samsara Driver App, which is triggered by signing out and signing back in
You want to prevent unauthorized access to the Driver App (e.g. if a device is stolen)
For more information, see the following topics:
To manage remote sign-out you need one of the following roles:
Full Admin
Standard Admin
Standard Admin (No Dash Cam Access)
Custom role with the following permissions:
Essentials > Drivers (View and Edit)
Advanced > Remotely Sign Out Drivers
When enabled, each user will only be able to sign out drivers within their domain, as defined by your organization's tags. For example, if an administrator is affiliated with the tag South, that administrator will only be able to remotely sign out drivers who are a part of the same tag.
The HOS Report can help you identify drivers who might be at risk for HOS violations because they forgot to sign out of the Samsara Driver App.
To further refine the report, you can:
Sort by Vehicle name to see which drivers are currently assigned to which vehicles.
Filter by Vehicle Assignment to view drivers who have or don't have a vehicle assignment.
Filter by driving status to change from Active Drivers to Deactivated Drivers in case you need to sign out a deactivated driver.
See Remotely End a Driver's Session for more information about signing out and ending driver sessions.
To assist drivers who are having issues signing out, you can remotely sign out a particular driver in the Samsara dashboard. See Identify Drivers who Forgot to Sign Out for tips on using the Driver HOS screen to find drivers who might be at risk for HOS violations because they did not sign out from the Samsara dashboard.
To use this feature, you must have a role that enables you to Sign out drivers from the Samsara Driver App through the dashboard. See Required Permissions for Managing Remote Sign-Out.
Note the restrictions for using this feature:
You cannot remotely sign out a driver who is currently in Driving, Yard Move, Personal Conveyance, or Duty Status.
You cannot change a driver’s duty status as part of the remote sign out. The driver will remain in the same duty status even after they are signed out.
There are two ways to sign out a driver:
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