To easily locate and excuse severe speeding events, Samsara allows you to configure your speeding settings to send the most severe speeding events to the Safety Inbox for coaching (Safety Inbox > Speeding).
You can configure the type of speeding events that surface in the Safety Inbox by configuring one or more of the following settings to trigger an event when you Configure Speeding Settings:
Max Speed: Triggers a violation to the Safety Inbox if the vehicle speed exceeds this value. For example, if you set a max speed to 65 mph at a duration of 60 seconds, Samsara would surface an event in the Safety Inbox if a driver travels 66 mph for 60 seconds or more. For more details, see Max Speeding Events.
Severe Speed: Route Severe speeding events to the Safety Inbox. For example, if you enable the option to send severe events to the Safety Inbox and set the Severe speed Over Limit value to 12+ mph at a Duration of 60 seconds, an event would surface in the inbox if a driver was traveling 62 mph in a 50 mph speed zone for 60 seconds or more.
To view trips, you must be a Full Admin or have a custom role with read permissions for both the vehicle and the driver.
Multiple speeding events with a Needs Review coaching status are aggregated by trip into a single speeding instance within the Safety Inbox. You can review the speeding instances within each trip from the trip Speeding Summary.
After you Configure Speeding Settings, use the following workflow to triage speeding events for completed and in progress trips:
From the Samsara dashboard, select Safety (
) > Safety Inbox > Speeding > Needs Review.
Locate the trip from the Speeding events list. To narrow the number of results, filter by Tags or Event Type (Severe Speeding or Max Speeding), modify the date range, or use the event search.
Select the trip to view and manage the individual speeding events from the Speeding Summary.
Hover over the instance on the map or on the speeding graph to view more details about the violation.
After you review the event, update the event status (select Dismiss or Needs Review). For more information about the effect of the status on the coaching workflow, see Coaching Statuses.
To mark the event as permissible driver speeding, see Excuse or Unexcuse Driver Speeding.
To modify or correct speed limits, see Speed Limit Overrides.
The Speeding Summary provides chronological speeding data for each speeding violation captured during the trip. The summary displays the following data for each trip:
Aggregate data for the trip: The following table describes the aggregate data available for the trip:
Number of speeding violations that occurred on the trip (severe speed + max speed)
Top Speed
The greatest speed this vehicle traveled on the trip
Over Limit
The highest overage between the speed limit and the speed of the vehicle (for either severe or max speed)
Total Time & Distance
Total time: Total time that the vehicle spent above the thresholds for speeding violations (severe speed time plus max speed time)
Total distance: Total distance of speeding violations (severe speed distance plus max speed distance)
Trip map and speed graph: Displays the trip map as well as the location, time, and speed details of each speeding violation.
Trip Events: Displays a list of all speeding event violations captured during the trip. The following table summarizes the fields available for each violation:
Time / Duration
The start and end time at which the speeding event occurred, the total duration of the violation, and the distance traveled during that time.
The speeding event type (Severe Speeding or Max Speeding).
Max Speed
The greatest speed this vehicle traveled.
Speed Limit
The posted speed limit or max speed limit, dependent on your configured settings.
Over Limit
The difference between the max vehicle speed and the posted speed limit.
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