Safety Event Review is an optional add-on service for large fleets of 500 vehicles or more. With this service, Samsara's specialized review team streamlines the Safety Event Review process by performing the initial event review, filtering, and tagging safety events for your fleet. Samsara reviewers will review safety events within 24 hours and identify incidents that require coaching so that you can focus on coaching drivers.
With the Safety Event Review service, crash, mobile use, and obstructed camera events are automatically routed to the Safety Inbox. These events will have a Needs Review Status. All other events are routed to a Samsara reviewer for analysis. When a reviewer assesses a safety event, the reviewer raises only highly-relevant, coachable events to the Safety Inbox. If an event doesn’t meet the threshold of coachable behavior, the reviewer will dismiss the event. As a result, you will see fewer events than you would without the Safety Event Review service.
Safety event labels can help you to identify the behavior for which a driver needs coaching. There are two types of event labels: automatically assigned labels and labels assigned by a Samsara reviewer. Automatically assigned labels include events, such as crashes, that have defined threshold settings to trigger assignment. Additional supplemental labels can also be assigned by reviewers after reviewing a safety event.
The following table describes the event labels that identify behaviors that require coaching:
Event Label |
Coachable Event Definitions |
Automatically detected events |
Crash |
Samsara automatically detects crashes when g-force passes a crash threshold. Automatically detected crash events skip manual triage for safety events and are automatically routed to the Safety Inbox as |
Harsh Accel |
The vehicle accelerated drastically or abruptly (16+ mph in ≤ 2 seconds). If the acceleration alone does not meet these criteria, the event will be dismissed unless a Samsara reviewer identifies another unsafe behavior occurring at the same time. |
Harsh Brake |
The vehicle slowed down drastically or abruptly (16+ mph in ≤ 2 seconds) or the Samsara reviewer identifies a second coachable behavior that occurred during the time of the event. |
Harsh Turn |
The vehicle turned drastically or abruptly (19+ mph midpoint of turn) or the Samsara reviewer identifies a second coachable behavior that occurred during the time of the event. |
Following Distance |
An unsafe following distance from the vehicle directly in front was detected. If a driver was cut off by another vehicle or the vanishing point is miscalibrated, the Samsara reviewer will not route the event to your Safety Inbox for review. |
Forward Collision Warning |
A rear collision is imminent. The driver is 5 feet from the vehicle in front after coming to a complete stop. |
Inattentive Driving |
Any repeated occurrence where the driver is not paying full attention to the road (looking down at an object continuously or multiple times visible or not) for at least 1.5 seconds of a 5 second video, or 3 seconds of a 10 second video. Some scenarios that constitute inattentive driving include:
NoteIf the driver looks away from the road three or more times, it is counted as inattentive driving. Example: If the driver looks away and back up at the road, then back away from the road, so long as they are looking away at least once every 2 seconds, the behavior counts as inattentive driving. |
Mobile Usage |
The driver held or handled a mobile device, laptop computer, or tablet. |
The driver face, including eyes and mouth, were blocked from the interior-facing camera. Interior view was more than 80% obstructed. The Safety Event Review Service dismisses obstructed camera events where the obstruction was caused by a Samsara camera cover. Also see Safety Event Review Rubric. |
Rolling Stop |
The driver did not slow to 0 mph before entering an intersection or impeded a pedestrian’s ability to cross within a crosswalk. A
The event should be dismissed if there isn't a corresponding video with footage at least 2 seconds before the stop sign and 2 seconds after the vehicle passes through the middle of the intersection. |
Lane Departure |
Any erratic, swaying driving that resulted in an inability to maintain position in a lane. Additionally, the center of the vehicle clearly crossed a line continuously for 3+ seconds, completed an illegal U-turn, or drove through marked lines in a parking lot. NoteExcludes a legal lane change, necessary wide turns, and narrow roads. |
No Seatbelt |
The driver did not use the seat belt at all, wore it improperly, wore it excessively loose, or left the seatbelt unbuckled. To be considered a |
Near Pedestrian Collision |
A vehicle comes dangerously close to a pedestrian in a crosswalk or right-of-way area, or when the driver fails to yield, forcing the pedestrian to stop or change direction. This can sometimes include situations where a pedestrian is outside designated areas and the driver reacts appropriately to avoid them. |
Unsafe U-Turn |
A U-turn is performed in a restricted area, such as a No U-Turn zone, creating a collision risk. This can sometimes include events where a U-turn was executed legally and safely, without interfering with other road users. |
Unsafe Left Turn |
A driver turns where explicitly prohibited, executes the turn above 19 mph, or initiates it from a non-turn lane while crossing multiple lanes. This can sometimes include left turns performed safely within road rules, even in close proximity to other vehicles or wide turns required for large vehicles. |
Aggressive Driving |
Includes repeated unsafe behaviors such as tailgating, speeding, abrupt lane changes, brake-checking, road rage (yelling, gestures), or weaving between lanes. This can sometimes include brief or isolated acceleration or lane changes that do not create significant risk. |
Unsafe Parking |
A vehicle slows aggressively to park on the shoulder of a highway. This can sometimes include moving over or remaining parked on the shoulder without sudden or dangerous maneuvers. |
Bluetooth Headset Usage |
A driver has a Bluetooth headset in their ear. |
Supplemental labels added by reviewers |
Defensive Driving |
The driver reacted within 2 seconds to a potential safety event caused by an unexpected occurrence, such as a sudden change in traffic lights or the behavior of another individual. If the Samsara reviewer identifies a Defensive Driving behavior, the event is raised to the Safety Inbox with a |
Did Not Yield |
The driver failed to allow merging or right-of-way to a person or vehicle if the current driving conditions would have allowed it. NoteDoes not apply to YIELD signage. |
Drowsy |
Drowsiness Detection events are not labeled automatically. The reviewer will continue to label events as Drowsy if the driver exhibits behavior that indicates fatigue including (but not limited to) any of the following behaviors:
Late Response |
The driver did not react to surrounding conditions (brake lights, traffic light, or slowdowns) within 2 seconds. |
Near Collision |
The vehicle came close to colliding with an object, regardless of whether the object was moving. |
Speeding |
The vehicle speed was more than 19 mph in a parking lot or more than 6 mph over either the posted limit or yellow speed advisory sign. |
Ran Red Light |
The driver did not slow to 0 mph before entering the mid-point of intersection with a visible red light or the vehicle impeded a pedestrian’s ability to cross within crosswalk. |
The road was blocked and not clearly visible from the road-facing camera. Road view was more than 80% obstructed. Also see Safety Event Review Rubric. |
Smoking |
The driver was smoking at any point during the video. |
Eating or Drinking |
The driver was eating or drinking at any point during the video. |
To help tune the review process, you can provide feedback to Samsara on the accuracy of event labels and detection.
When a reviewer misclassifies a safety event and assigns an incorrect label:
From the Safety Inbox view of an event, hover over the video.
Samsara displays a popup for you to provide feedback.
If the event is accurate, click the thumbs up icon.
If the event is inaccurate either in the detection or the label, select the thumbs down icon.
Samsara displays a feedback form that you can use to provide feedback. The options vary depending on the event type.
Choose the option that best represents your assessment of what triggered the safety event.
If the options don't reflect your assessment, choose Other and provide further explanation or details.
Submit your response. If you only want to submit your rating and do not want to provide additional details, you can Dismiss and submit.
Your assessment helps Samsara improve the detection capabilities.
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