You can plan routes and monitor them in real-time as a driver or vehicle executes those route plans. When you plan a route, you minimally define the start and end locations.
To customize routes for your fleet, you can also:
Add multiple stops: Add multiple destinations with complete visibility including route optimization to calculate the fastest route and estimated time of arrival for active routes.
Create recurring routes: Repeat routes with a customized route frequency
Configure stop settings: Such as the route stop time and stop thresholds (see Dispatch Settings.)
To create a new route:
(Optional) Add one or more addresses to the Samsara address book (see Manage an Address ).
From the Samsara dashboard, select Dispatch (
) > Routes.
Select + Create New Route.
Enter a descriptive Route Name and assign the route to a vehicle or a driver.
If you assign the route to a vehicle, drivers who are signed into the vehicle can access this route from the Samsara Driver App.
Routes may also be left unassigned, but unassigned routes will only populate in the Samsara Driver App if you enable unassigned route selection for drivers. Otherwise, progress for unassigned routes is not tracked.
(Optional) If you want drivers to repeat the route, select Repeat this route, choose the route frequency, and click Done.
For each stop, enter the destination address or select the address book entry to which you want to dispatch a vehicle.
Samsara calculates approximate drive times for your fleet and lists the vehicles in order of arrival time from their current location.
Define the route schedule and add any stops along the route.
If you add multiple stops, you can Optimize Route to enable Samsara to order the stops for the fastest route (for more information on this calculation, see Route Optimization). Or, if you want to plan the order of the stops manually, you drag and drop them in the desired order and then Calculate Departure Times (for more information on departure calculations, see Departure Times Calculations).
To add a note for the stop visible to the driver from the Samsara Driver App, include
in the route stop.The route view for fleet administrators does not include the driver notes.
Create Route when done.
Your new route will appear on the Routes dashboard in the time-frame you set and in the Samsara Driver App for the driver or the current driver assigned to the vehicle you selected. Drivers can see their current assigned routes and any routes scheduled within the next two days.
Return to the Routes page to edit and Manage Routes.
How does Samsara decide the route? Can I get the route to avoid toll roads, highways or ferries like Google Maps does?
how do import from smart sheets to samsara our old process we went from smartsheets to excel then we imported to work wave.
Hi Eric- Thanks for reaching out. To calculate the order of stops, Samsara analyzes which order of stops yields the shortest distance traveled, while keeping the Start Location and last stop fixed. After the optimal order is determined, Samsara calculates the Time on Site report to determine average stop duration based on recent history. For more information, please reference Route Optimization. Thank you!
The arrival and departure times do not constantly populate. Is there a way to correct this?
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