Just as you can use Tags to manage administrative users, drivers, or vehicles in your fleet, you can use them to manage your company-owned mobile devices. Applying tags to mobile devices enables you to segment devices into teams and easily identifiable groups. After you assign tags to your mobile device groups, you can use the tags to streamline the following activities:
Bulk assign a group of mobile devices to a policy.
Gate access to mobile device resources within the Samsara dashboard according to your company’s access policies. Administrators who are assigned access using a mobile device tag will only have access to manage the mobile devices in that tag group. Only administrators who are assigned a Full Admin role or a custom role with permission to Create, edit, and delete users, roles, and tags can add mobile devices.
Filter mobile devices on pages in the Samsara dashboard.
Bulk assign policies to mobile devices using a tag.
To get started with using tags to manage your mobile devices:
Before you begin, identify the mobile device ID for the mobile devices you want to tag.
The name can be either the custom name you assigned to a mobile device or device serial number. You can see the Mobile Device Name on the Devices Dashboard and can also export the names to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
Then, Create a Tag and specify the mobile devices you want to associate with the tag.
You can also Add Tags in Bulk to quickly populate multiple devices to a new tag.
Assign tag access to administrator accounts. See Use Tags to Restrict Access.
Use the tags to perform any of the following management actions:
Filter devices on the MEM Overview page by tag. Tag admins can only view the tags and mobile devices for which they have access.
Filter devices on the Mobile Devices page by tag. Tag admins can only view tags and mobile devices for which they have access.
Bulk assign policies to mobile devices using a tag. See Bulk Assign a Policy to a Group of Mobile Devices.
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