Due to the nature and unpredictability of routes, your drivers may sometimes change the route or order of stops. To more accurately manage how drivers arrive at stops when doing a route out of order, the Samsara Driver App provides out-of-sequence notifications. The notifications provide drivers the ability to manually specify their intent to arrive at a stop, thereby enabling them to account for edge cases where automated tracking falls short.
The Samsara Driver App displays pop up notifications if a driver arrives at a route stop out-of-order. After receiving the popup, the driver has one minute to confirm or decline arrival. If the driver confirms arrival, the Samsara Driver App prompts the driver to enter a comment explaining the route change. Samsara logs this comment, and a record of the arrival in the audit log of the route stop detail page.
The following images show the driver experience when the driver deviates from a planned route.
After a driver confirms the route change, they can select the reason and add any relevant comments or supporting documentation.

If a driver declines a detected route stop, Samsara does not mark the stop as arrived.

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