You can now monitor EV charge status in real-time with the new Charge Insights dashboard.
Use the dashboard to:
Ensure your fleet is sufficiently charged and ready for upcoming routes or shifts.
Reduce charge anxiety with full visibility and control over fleet charging status.
Set up charging profiles to identify issues efficiently.
Detect and address four different charging issues in real-time to prevent operational disruptions.
The dashboard is divided into two tabs:
Charge History: The existing EV Charging report is now a dedicated tab within the Charge Insights Report, called Charge History. For more information, see the EV Charging Trends Report.
The Overview provides a real-time charge management dashboard that you can use to monitor your EV charging activities.
The top of the report provides charge state metrics that you can use to filter the vehicle list:
All: The total number of electric vehicles.
Completed: Number of vehicles that have reached their target charge level, even if they are still charging.
Charging: Number of vehicles that are currently charging and have not yet reached their target charge level.
Issues: The number of vehicles that report charging issues. This includes:
Low Charge: The current state of charge is at or below the low charge level set in the associated charge profile. If the vehicle doesn’t have a charge profile associate, a default of 20% is applied.
Late for Scheduled Charge: The vehicle has not started charging at its scheduled start charge time (including a 15 min tolerance). The status will either disappear at the scheduled departure time (if defined in the profile), or it will persist until the vehicle triggers another status with a higher priority such as low charge or charging. This will only be triggered when charge start time is defined in a profile.
Expected to Miss Target Charge: The vehicle is charging during its scheduled charge time (between schedule charge start and schedule departure time), but is expected to not hit the target charge level by its scheduled departure time based on current charging speed. This will only trigger when both a target charge level and departure time are defined in a profile. The departure time must be <= 80% due to a non-linear charging speed between 80-100%.
Missed Target Charge: The vehicle is either below target charge level at the scheduled departure time (status will disappear after 60min) or stopped charging in between its scheduled start charge and departure time without reaching its target charge level. This will only be triggered when a departure time has been defined in a profile.
By clicking on the row for a vehicle, you can expand the report details to display information about the the associated charge profile.
The profile defines the charge schedule, scheduled charge start, scheduled departure, target charge, and the level that indicates a low charge. If there is no profile associated, you are prompted to add one for the vehicle. If the vehicle is charging, the details also include the current charging rate (kW), total energy charged already (kWh) and the type of charger the vehicle is connected to (fast charger or slow charger).
With Charge Insights you can define charge levels and charge times to monitor charging activities according to the operational guidelines for different groups of vehicles.
To create a charge profile:
Select the Settings icon ( ) at the bottom of your Fleet menu to view dashboard settings.
Select Fuel & Energy > Charge Insights and then click Create Profile.
Enter a descriptive Profile Name and then Save your settings.
Configure the Charge Level settings:
Target Charge Level: Enable this setting and then use the slider to set the desired charging threshold. Vehicles above the target charge level will show a charging status of complete. Samsara recommends a target charge of 80% (default) to prolong battery life.
Low Charge Level: Enable this setting and then use the slider to set the desired low charge threshold. Vehicles below the low charge level will show a charging status of low charge. Samsara recommends a target charge of 20% (default) to prolong battery life.
Configure Charge Times settings:
Scheduled Charge Start: Enable this setting and then define the time by which vehicles are expected to be connected and begin charging. If a vehicle does not begin charging by the scheduled charge start time, the Charge Insights dashboard raises the issue for the vehicle.
Scheduled Departure: Enable this setting and then define the time by which an EV should achieve the Target Charge level. This typically identifies the time of departure for the vehicles. If a vehicle does not complete charging by the departure time, the Charge Insights dashboard raises the issue for the vehicle.
On the top right of the profile, Add Vehicles for which you want to assign the profile.
Search for the vehicle name individually, or select one or more Tag groups.
A vehicle can only belong to one profile.
When finished, select Add to profile. The settings will apply at the next heartbeat communication with the VG.
On a regular basis, view the Charge Insights dashboard to monitor EV charge status in real-time.
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