The state of New Jersey recently passed legislation requiring employers to inform employees in writing about the use of a GPS tracking device in a vehicle used by an employee. If an employer knowingly uses GPS tracking in a vehicle used by employees and does not provide the required written notice, the employer could be subject to civil penalties. If you have drivers who operate in New Jersey, this law may apply to your use of Samsara Vehicle Gateways, which support real-time GPS tracking of fleet vehicles.
The following example shows what a notice might look like for some customers using Samsara GPS fleet tracking functionality. Before using this example, you should make sure it works for your specific intended use. The law in this area is changing rapidly. The information provided is not intended to be legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact
Example Written Notice (New Jersey Law):
Notice of Collection of GPS Tracking Data
This notice is to inform you that we use Samsara hardware and software technology to manage our fleet. Your vehicle’s location data may be collected and stored by [insert company name] to track the vehicle’s whereabouts for purposes including routing assignments, enforcing company policies, ensuring driver and vehicle safety, and optimizing efficiency.
More information about GPS Fleet Tracking may be found on the Samsara website:
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