The Privacy Sessions Report provides a snapshot of privacy button utilization. To review the Privacy Session Report, navigate to Reports > Activity > Privacy Sessions.
The following table describes the fields in the Privacy Sessions Report:
Field |
Description |
Name |
Name of the vehicle. Select a vehicle name to view the detailed report for the vehicle. |
Sessions |
Number of privacy sessions associated with the vehicle over the selected time frame. |
Duration |
Duration of drive time in privacy mode for the selected time frame. |
Private Distance |
Distance covered in the privacy mode for the selected time frame. |
Total Distance |
Total distance covered in the trips overlapping with the time selection (e.g. if a trip has started on 2 of July and ended on 3 of July and the time selection is 1 to 2 of July, the trip is included in the table). |
Utilisation |
Private distance as a % of total distance. |
You can view more detailed privacy session information by selecting a name of the specific vehicle. For each session, the vehicle report identifies start and end times, duration, start and end location, and distance covered.
If needed, you can export the Privacy Sessions Report to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. You can access this option from the more actions menu on the top right (...).
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