The Fleet Benchmarks Report (Reports ( ) > Fleet Benchmarks) compares your fleet’s performance against similar fleets so you can gain visibility on how your fleet is trending relative to your peers. This can help you identify potential areas of improvement and set achievable goals to improve your organization's safety and efficiency metrics. To view the Fleet Benchmarks Report, you must be an administrator with access to the entire organization, or a custom administrator who can view Reports (
A group of similar fleets is called a fleet segment. To track your fleet performance, your fleet is compared with its fleet segment using benchmark targets. Benchmark targets are the fleet segment aggregate average or median scores that are used as a point of reference. The Fleet Benchmark Report uses this point of reference to help you better understand the data and driving patterns within your fleet.
The report provides the following benchmarks for your fleet within your fleet segment:
Harsh Events: Includes benchmarks for harsh acceleration, harsh braking, and harsh turns.
Speeding: Includes four benchmark categories based on severity: Light, Moderate, High, and Severe Speeding.
Idling: Includes any time the engine is on and not moving, such as not driving or no PTO engaged, for over 2 minutes.
Samsara takes statistical measures of fleets that are similar to yours, like a cohort. A group of comparable fleets is called a fleet segment. With fleet segments, Samsara ensures expected differences in driving behavior are taken into account and only compares your fleet to similar fleets. For example, safe driving behavior for a fleet of passenger vehicles in a dense urban area may vary drastically from that of a heavy duty fleet that takes predominantly highway trips. Over time, you may switch fleet segments depending on whether your fleet's driving behavior changes. For example, your fleet switches from primarily city to highway driving.
Your fleet segment characteristics are visible at the top of the report. Here, you can view the characteristics of the fleet segment you belong to, and are compared with, such as the makeup of your fleet, the amount of time your fleet spends on the road, and the average length of a trip. If you want to know how many fleets you are compared with, the benchmark report also lists the number of fleets in your fleet segment.
To assign your fleet a fleet segment, Samsara requires that your fleet has driven at least five miles per vehicle in the past eight weeks. If you are a new customer, you can compare yourself against the Samsara fleet average in the meantime.
For each benchmark target, Samsara classifies the status as Better than Target, or Off Target:
Better than Target: Indicates your fleet is performing better than average for the selected time frame and category. The green number next to your average displays how much better your fleet is performing.
Off Target: Indicates your fleet has room to improve to meet the average for the selected time frame and category. The red number next to your average displays the opportunity for improvement.
Your average displays the amount of aggregate harsh events that take place in your fleet per 1,000 miles driven. Benchmark indicates your fleet segment's median (P50) benchmark of harsh events per fleet per 1,000 miles driven (total events / total miles driven per fleet x 1000).
You can view more insight on risk factors including harsh drivers from View Report > Safety Overview. You can also select Show Details to view your fleet averages for specific harsh events, such as Harsh Brake, Harsh Acceleration, and Harsh Turns.
The number in the gray box next to the specific harsh event is your fleet's average. For example, in the following image, this fleet has an average of 0.06 Harsh Brake events overall per 1,000 miles driven, which is 0.04 better than the fleet benchmark.
To adjust the sensitivity for harsh events, see Configure Harsh Event Settings.
Your average displays the percent duration of time your fleet spends speeding during a trip. The median (P50) percent of trip duration spent speeding for your fleet segment is indicated in Benchmark.
Select View Report to go to the Safety Overview for more insight on risk factors including speeding. You can also select Show Details to view your organization's average time spent speeding based on severity. For example, in this image this fleet spent 0.25% of their drive speeding at a severe level, which is 0.01% better than the fleet benchmark.
To adjust the speeding settings to define the severity of driver speeding, see Configure Speeding Settings.
Idle time is calculated as any time the engine is on but not loaded (not driving or no PTO engaged) for over two minutes.
Your average displays the percentage of time that your fleet spends idling while the engine is on. The median (P50) percent of engine time spent idling for your fleet segment is indicated in Benchmark. For example, in the following image, this fleet spent 27.79% of their engine time idling, which is 4.24% higher than than the fleet benchmark of 23.55%.
Select View Report to track your idle rates on the Fuel & Energy Report. You can also view the Fuel & Energy Benchmarks Report to gain further insight about the least efficient vehicles in your fleet, or the average MPG or KPL by make, model, and year.
Samsara takes industry-leading measures to safeguard the security of your data, and to ensure our databases do not expose any identifying information for a specific customer that is part of a broader fleet segment. Data about a fleet segment is always expressed in aggregated terms (e.g., average, median, top 10%). Furthermore, we ensure each fleet segment contains at least 100 unique peers so an outside party cannot identify an individual based on the behavior of a broader fleet segment.
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