The Samsara Dash Cam provides in-cab alerts with either a tone or voice coaching to notify drivers of detected events. Drivers can use this real-time feedback to adjust their behavior to maintain safety for themselves and others on the road. Voice coaching can be enabled and configured for the entire fleet or for individual vehicles, while tone alerts can only be configured at the fleet level.
You can configure in-cab alert settings for both VG-detected and AI-detected alert types:
VG-Detected Audio Alerts: These settings control in-cab audio alerts triggered by events detected by the Vehicle Gateway (VG), such as harsh driving events or speeding. For more information, see VG-Detected Audio Alerts.
Fleet-Wide Settings: To configure voice coaching and tone alert settings for your entire fleet, see Configure In-cab Alerts for Your Fleet.
Individual Vehicle Settings: To configure voice coaching for specific vehicles (tone alerts are not available at the individual vehicle level), refer to Configure In-cab Voice Coaching for Individual Vehicles.
AI-Detected Audio Alerts: These settings manage in-cab audio alerts triggered by events detected by the dash cam. When detection and audio alerts are enabled, the alert type (tone or voice-coaching) reflects the fleet-level configuration. To enable in-cab alerts for AI-detected events, refer to the topic for each detection type.
The voice coaching setting is supported for the following dash cam models:
You can enable audio alerts for VG-detected safety events such as harsh events, speeding, and VG-detected unbuckled seat belts. From the Voice Coaching setting, you can Configure In-cab Alerts for Your Fleet or Configure In-cab Voice Coaching for Individual Vehicles.
Choose Driving Events to Coach with audio alerts:
Harsh Driving (Acceleration, Brakes, Turns): Dash cam alerts driver of "Harsh event detected." For more information, see Harsh Event Detection.
Seat Belt Unbuckled: Dash cam plays "Your seat belt is unbuckled." For more information, see No Seat Belt Detection.
Maximum Speed: Dash cam alerts driver to "Reduce speed" when the vehicle speed is above the Maximum Speed Threshold.
In-Cab Speeding: Dash cam alerts driver to "Reduce speed." For more information, see In-Cab Voice Coaching for Driver Speeding.
To configure in-cab alerts for your fleet, use the following workflow or watch the video:
Select the Settings icon (
) at the bottom of your Fleet menu to view dashboard settings.
From Fleet settings, select Safety > Coaching.
Locate the Voice Coaching setting.
Select the Audio Alert Type to apply to all detection types:
Tone Only: A voiceless alert tone
Tone with Voice Coaching: A tone accompanied by voice coaching
Choose the Coaching Language for in-cab alerts:
English (US)
English (UK)
Enable and configure the desired detection (VG-detected events or AI-detected events).
When audio alerts are enabled in the event detection settings, the in-cab alert type (tone or voice-coaching) reflects the fleet-level configuration.
Save to confirm the settings.
Individual vehicle settings take precedence over fleet settings. If you want to apply rules to or make an exception for one or more vehicles, you can edit the settings at the vehicle level. For voice coaching alerts, you can apply the following settings:
Enabled: Enables the setting for the vehicle.
Disabled: Disables the setting for the vehicle.
Default to organization setting: Automatically assigns the configuration that is assigned to your fleet. To view or configure your fleet settings, see Configure In-cab Alerts for Your Fleet.
To configure in-cab voice coaching for one or more vehicles, use the following workflow:
Select the Settings icon (
) at the bottom of your Fleet menu to view dashboard settings.
From Fleet settings, select Safety.
From the top of Safety Settings, select Edit Individual Vehicles.
Select the vehicle to modify the vehicle settings. To edit the settings of an individual vehicle, select Edit. To edit one or more vehicles, select the vehicles you want to edit and click Edit Vehicles.
Configure the audio alerts setting for the detection.
When audio alerts are enabled in the detection settings, the in-cab alert type (tone or voice-coaching) reflects the fleet-level configuration.
Submit to confirm the settings.
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