When you click on an event from the Safety Inbox you can view the safety event details and perform event actions, such as assign a coach, driver, training course, or coaching status, as part of the Driver Coaching Workflow.
Samsara automatically tags the safety event with the safety label, the date and time of the detection, and the harsh event detection data, such as Max G-force
and the vehicle sensitivity setting. You can also review the trip map and trip summary to investigate the location and vehicle associated with the trip.
A video or a still image still displays for each safety event, dependent on the event type:
10 second video: Harsh Driving, Crash, Forward Collision Warning, Rolling Stop
5 second video: Distracted Driving
2 second video: Mobile Usage, Eating/Drinking
Still Image: No Mask, No Seat belt, Obstructed Camera
The VG uploads the vehicle speed to the Speed graph and (when available) additional speed related information relevant to the event, such as brake pedal use and acceleration. You can use this information to understand the timing of driver actions alongside the event detection.
Samsara generates an entry in the Activity log, allowing you to track all activity related to the safety event. The Activity log highlights the most-recent activities and can include coaching status changes, comments, and video review activity longer than 2.5 seconds. If you have a Full Admin role with Dash Cam Access permissions, you can create comments and tag other users. When you create a comment and tag a user (@[user name]), Samsara notifies the user in email and includes a link to the safety event details.
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